What is Coordinated Entry?
Coordinated Entry (CE) is the foundation of the City of San Francisco’s Homelessness Response System, serving as the “front door” for connecting households experiencing homelessness to the resources needed to resolve their housing crisis. At CE Access Points, which are located throughout the City and operated by non-profit service providers, households experiencing homelessness are provided with access to Problem Solving services, assessment, prioritization, and referral to housing.
What can San Franciscans experiencing homelessness expect from Coordinated Entry Access Points?
Once a household experiencing homelessness connects with an Access Point, staff engage in Problem Solving, a resource utilized to empower households to explore and identify possible solutions to their housing crisis outside of the Homelessness Response System, through their personal networks. Problem Solving services include: referrals to travel support through HSH’s Homeward Bound program; move-in assistance; housing location assistance; family reunification, mediation, or conflict resolution; and limited financial assistance that leads to a resolution and exit from the Homeless Response System.
If a household’s housing crisis is not resolved through Problem Solving, Access Point staff conduct the Housing Primary Assessment to understand the household’s vulnerability, barriers to housing, and history of homelessness. Households are then referred to services based on their needs and eligibility, as well as the availability of housing resources.
Who can access Coordinated Entry?
Coordinated Entry is accessible to all households experiencing homelessness in San Francisco.
How can I access Coordinated Entry?
Coordinated Entry operates several Access Point locations across the city for Adults, Families, and Youth:
- Families with children under the age of 18 can use Family CE Access Points.
- Adults over the age of 18 without minor children can use Adult CE Access Points.
- Transitional Age Youth (ages 18-24 upon intake) can use Youth CE Access Points.
For the most up-to-date information about Access Point locations, hours, and contact information, please visit the HSH “How to Get Services” webpage or call 311.
Can people fleeing or attempting to flee domestic violence access Coordinated Entry?
Yes. If at any point you disclose that you are fleeing or attempting to flee a life-threatening form of violence – including but not limited to domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, stalking, and human trafficking – Access Point staff will work to quickly connect you to survivor-specific resources as well as the services offered by the Homelessness Response System.
For more information and resources click here: Violence Against Women Prevention and Intervention Grants Program